The Importance of Being Earnest is a piece of witty perfection from the king of the epigram: Oscar Wilde. This play forms an attack on realism with larger than life characters and absurd situations that everyone can enjoy.
The Copthorne Players’ production of Earnest ran for three nights in April 2023, and featured a brand new director for the group in Louisa Worssam. We also welcomed two new members into the cast, who hit the ground running. Louisa said: “I was inundated by an array of female talent at the auditions and, in this age of gender fluidity, it seemed only sensible to utilise their skills in this production. It has been an absolute pleasure working with all these gifted actors and producing a play of which we can be proud.”
Audiences said:
“Our first time at the Village Hall, thoroughly enjoyed the production. Well done, we will be back!”
“Absolutely excellent. Wonderful cast who played their characters brilliantly. I think it’s one for the Players to reprise in the near future! Five stars!”
“What an excellent performance, Copthorne Players at their best!”